Inserting data into a table in database with codeigniter

This is an important part in the codeigniter because i nthis section we are creating a model for inserting data to our database. Codeigniter has a feature to insert data to a database table with one line by creating all the data to be inserted into an array and store them by passing it with a simple variable to the database.


In the above code that we added in the register_process() function in the controller inserts the data to a particular table in our database.

  • Users_model : this is the new model we created with a .php extension.
  • insert_user()  : this is the function inside that model.
  • u_data            : this is the variable in which the data is stored.
The following is the new edited code in the controller :

   public function register_process()



defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');

class Users_model extends CI_Model {

  public function insert_user($user_data)

  • users : table name.

We also need to load the model at the top of the controller as below :

  public function __construct()



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