
Showing posts from August, 2019


A Visual studio code is a free and independent platform in which we can write many programming languages in a single platform.It is a source code editor designed by Microsoft for Windows, Linux and MacOS.This IDE support almost every languages and can write and filter code automatically. It helps to improve our programming skills. The extension pack in the visual studio code made it simple to type programs. Each language in this IDE needs an extension for the proper working and management of elements in the visual studio code. For example ,the java needs an extention pack called the jdk file and c needs its extention. All the extention that are needed is also available on the visual studio code. The visual studio code is integrated in a black background with particular colour to particular elements. In the case of html, tags are coloured as same and their attributes are coloured as same for the program which made them to identify better while writing a big query/program.